Especially as an artist, I want to give credit to the giants on whose shoulders I stand, whether it's using a particular technology or stock photos by a photographer for my art and featured images. While one of my talents lay in writing things more verbosely than I, perhaps, should, I will try to keep my colophon brief.
Technology stack
- NodeJS
- Building the site
- Python
- Dev server
- Image handling
- HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Output
- Affinity Photo & Analog Efex Pro 2
- Featured images on pages and posts
- Github
- Display the static site
- Host the code and content
Most of the backend work is done with Nodejs, including building the site
- Metalsmith: Static site generator with plugins
- layouts
- collections
- markdown
- permalinks
- table-of-contents
- concat
- include-files
- publish
- sitemap
- postcss
- Markdown: Text-to-HTML conversion tool, via MarkedJS and the original syntax
- PostCSS with TailwindCSS: Valid (and prefixed, when necessary) CSS
- Cypress: Testing (at the moment minimal)
Two parts of the site use Python:
- Server:
python -m http.server 8000
- Image handling using a simple script and ImageMagick to resize and copy images to their destination folder
This site should work in most browers, with or without javascript, and on most devices. A modern browser is highly recommended (in general, not just for this site). It has both a dark and a light mode.
- jQuery
- lightGallery (only used on the gallery)
The stylesheets have been optimised to be valid in all browers fulfilling these requirements:
- Used by > 1%
- Within the last 2 versions
Two typefaces have been used throughout the site, both from Bunny Fonts using the Open Font License.
- The serif Cormorant for headers and other details
- The sans-serif Montserrat for body texts